Rancho Seco Solar II

Sourcing more renewable energy

The Rancho Seco Solar II project, a 160 megawatt (MW) photovoltaic (PV) solar power facility adjacent to Rancho Seco, became operational in February 2021. The project is operated by a third party. SMUD purchases the solar power generated from the facility as a source of renewable electricity for our customers under a long term contract. The project is a dual use project that co-locates the agrivoltaic practice of sheep grazing on site.

With this project, we aim to:

  • Support California’s renewable energy and greenhouse gas emission goals
  • Meet SMUD Board Strategic Directives
  • Provide supply for SMUD’s Solar Shares® program
  • Optimize the delivery of locally generated solar energy
  • Minimize environmental impacts
  • Co-locate agricultural uses on our renewable project sites
  • Promote consolidation of energy infrastructure

Aerial view of solar arrays at Rancho Seco.Flock of sheep near solar array.


For more information, contact RanchoSecoPVSolar2@smud.org.