Road to Zero Carbon virtual forums

SMUD’s Road to Zero Carbon virtual forums are an opportunity to learn more about the progress on our 2030 Zero Carbon Plan to eliminate carbon emissions from our power supply by 2030 – the most ambitious carbon reduction goal of any large utility in the United States.

  • Road to Zero Carbon Forum: SMUD energy experts provide updates on our progress toward a zero carbon future.
  • Zero Carbon Community Meeting: SMUD Board members host virtual community meetings and provide updates on our progress toward a zero carbon future.

Learn more about our journey toward becoming a CleanPowerCity®.

Future Road to Zero Carbon forums

No forums planned at this time.

June 26, 2024

Topics covered

  • A progress update on clean utility-scale renewables, storage and emerging technologies we're exploring
  • Clean energy programs and incentives for customers
  • The impact we're making through securing grants and our Community Impact Plan
  • How you can take action. 

Download the presentation

November 29, 2023

Topics covered

  • Update - what we've done since May 2023
  • Clean energy programs and incentives for customers
  • New technologies we're exploring

Download the presentation

May 11, 2023

Topics covered

  • Update - what we've done since Oct. 2022
  • Clean energy programs and incentives for customers
  • New technologies we're exploring

Download the presentation

Oct. 26, 2022

Topics covered

  • What we're doing to meet our goal
  • Clean energy programs and incentives for customers
  • New technologies we're exploring

Download the presentation

See Board presentation recordings that presented some information in more detail:

March 30, 2022

Topics covered

  • Overview of SMUD’s 2030 Zero Carbon Plan
  • What we're doing to meet our goal
  • Incentives and programs for customers
  • How SMUD’s customers and community can join the charge
  • What’s next in the journey to zero carbon

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Hosted by SMUD Board member Dave Tamayo, Ward 6
via Zoom

Watch meeting video

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Hosted by SMUD Board member Gregg Fishman, Ward 3
via Zoom

Watch meeting video

Monday, June 27, 2022

Hosted by SMUD Board member Rob Kerth, Ward 5
via Zoom

Watch meeting video

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Hosted by SMUD Board Vice President Heidi Sanborn, Ward 7
via Zoom

Watch meeting video

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