Making an impact where it matters most


Our Community Impact Plan outlines the work we’ll do over the next few years to support specific under-resourced customer segments. Our goal is to ensure our most under-resourced customers are part of the journey and reap the benefits of a clean energy future.

Using our Sustainable Communities Resource Priorities Map, we’ve focused in on under-resourced residents and small business.

Our plan is based on extensive input and feedback from our customers and community. Over the last year, we held listening sessions to understand the barriers and challenges our under-resourced customers face and developed a plan to bring them along in our journey.

The Community Impact Plan addresses 3 core areas:

  1. Affordability – Provide options that can increase the energy affordability across the board.
  2. Equitable access – Create programs, opportunities and jobs that are aligned with our 2030 Zero Carbon Plan.
  3. Community engagement – Connect and build a deeper relationship with our customers in the communities they live in, so they can be ambassadors for a clean energy future. 

Our customers and stakeholders told us they need:

  • Simplified messages and materials to understand how SMUD can help them, and how they can help SMUD by playing an important part in a clean energy future. 

  • Trusted SMUD ambassadors from their own communities who can deliver messages with the right cultural considerations.

  • A priority placed on job opportunities and workforce development.

  • Information about programs that are relevant to them – renters, median-income customers and small businesses.

So, we’re getting out there, meeting our customers where they’re at, and bringing them simplified materials to more easily understand what SMUD can do for them. We’re building a network of ambassadors from their own communities to deliver messages with the right cultural considerations. And finally, we’re prioritizing creating job opportunities, workforce development and more programs that are relevant to everyone, regardless of home or business ownership.