​Public records

We offer access to our public records upon request, as required by the California Public Records Act, Government Code sections 7920.000 through 7930.170. The Public Records Act is designed to give the public access to information in possession of public agencies, such as SMUD, subject to certain exemptions. While access to records is provided at no charge, we are allowed to recover copying costs from the requestor. The fee schedule below has been established to give you information on requesting copies of SMUD's records.


"Public records" include any writing containing information relating to the conduct of the public's business prepared, owned, used or retained by SMUD regardless of physical form or characteristics. In legal terms, "writing" means handwriting, typewriting, printing, photostatting, photocopying, photographing, transmitting by electronic mail or facsimile, and every other means of recording upon any tangible thing, any form of communication or representation, including letters, words, pictures, sounds or symbols or any combination thereof, and any record thereby created, regardless of the manner in which the record has been stored.

The Public Records Act covers only records that already exist. It does not require creation of documents, lists or compilations.

Public records are available upon request, subject to response times stated in the Public Records Act. We prefer that all public record requests be in writing so that our staff can more accurately identify the records sought and process the request more efficiently. Please be as specific as possible when making your request; vague or unreasonably broad requests will be returned. Please email requests to pra@smud.org.

If you cannot email the request, please fax your request to 1-916-732-6581 or mail to: "SMUD, ATTN: PRA, Mail Stop B406, 6201 S St., Sacramento, CA 95817." Requests may also be dropped off in person at the security desk at SMUD's Headquarters Building, 6201 S St., Sacramento, CA 95817.

Records are available for inspection during regular SMUD business hours (Monday- Friday, 8 AM - 5 PM). While there are fees for obtaining copies of records and programming/extraction of electronic data, there is no charge for you to inspect or view records at our offices. You may also request copies of records to be mailed or picked up in person, subject to the fees below. For in-person inspection of public records at our offices, an appointment may have to be scheduled if the records must be located and reviewed, or when the requested records are stored off site or redaction of certain information is necessary. In order to prevent records from being lost, damaged or destroyed during inspection, our staff may determine the location of, and may monitor, the inspection.

The identified records will be held for review or purchase for 22 business days from the date of notification. Thereafter, the records will be returned to file and the records request will be considered closed after the 22 business days. If after 22 business days you still wish to pursue a request for records, a new request must be submitted.

The Public Records Act allows us to recover the "direct cost of duplication" and costs for programming/extracting of electronic data for disclosable public records. The direct cost of duplication covers two types of expenses – materials and equipment costs, and labor costs to make the copies. In the event records are sought that are stored as electronic data, staff time spent to extract or program the data will be charged.

The total cost for providing copies is a combination of materials, labor for actual duplication, equipment usage, and postage, if applicable. The direct cost of duplication varies depending on the size and type of media requested and the reproductions equipment required. Any costs for programming and extracting electronic data will be added to the duplication costs.

Prices quoted in this fee schedule are subject to change.

  • 8.5x11" black & white copies: $0.15 per page
  • 8.5x11" color copies: $0.25 per page
  • 11x17" black & white copies: $0.15 per page
  • 11x17" color copies: $0.25 per page
  • Black & white copies of maps and other documents larger than 11x17": $1.00
  • Color copies of maps and other documents larger than 11x17": $1.25
  • CDs: $2.00 each
  • DVDs: $3.00 each
  • Audio cassette tape: $2.00 each
  • Electronic data programming, extraction and duplication: $1.70 per minute of time
  • Postage: Depends on costs of USPS or other delivery service.


For all requests, payment in advance is required before release of records. Payments must be by check or money order, payable to "SMUD." Cash is acceptable only in person and in the exact change. We will not accept a cash payment through the mail.

California Form 801

Consistent with FPPC regulations, SMUD makes its Form 801’s that total more than $2,500 in value available online. See the reports in our document library.

  • Enterprise Resource Planning System
  • Customer Relationship Management System
  • Meter Data Management Processing System
  • Loan Data Processing System
  • Performance Management System