How our rates compare

SMUD's rates are among the lowest in California, and on average more than 56.5% lower than those of neighboring PG&E.

Average residential monthly bill

This chart shows the average monthly price, in dollars, for a residential bill using 750 kWh per month as of September 1, 2024.

  • 139


  • 320

    Pacific Gas & Electric

  • 116


  • 134


  • 165


  • 185


  • 271

    Southern California Edison

  • 311

    San Diego Gas and Electric

Business rate comparison

Business customers' rates compared to PG&E as of September 1, 2024

Customer groups Percentage lower than PG&E
Small Commercial (0-20 kW) 56.3%
Small Commercial (21-299 kW) 58.7%
Medium Commercial (300-499 kW) 56.9%
Medium Commercial (500-999 kW) 53.1%
Large Commercial (1000+ kW) 42.2%
Agricultural 56.8%
Lighting (Traffic Signals) 64.5%
Lighting (Street Lighting)  64.9% 
Average 51.8%