Our current partners

""We create innovative partnerships to help all our communities, from rural to suburban to urban, have the best chance at a high quality of life. Join us today.

Health equity

Institutional support and outreach

Economic development and innovation


Environmental leadership

Transportation and access


View a list of our Shine partners

Partner with us

With your help, we'll bring equity to the Sacramento region.

Types of partnerships

Convening partners

Assist in community and consensus building, create and shape policy and work with stakeholders to move projects and initiatives forward. This partnership is ideal for:

  • Government agencies
  • Community groups and neighborhood associations
  • Places of worship
  • Business improvement districts and regional leadership organizations

Alignment partners

Support projects with resources, funding, intellectual and research capacity and other support. This partnership is ideal for:

  • Banks, credit unions and insurance companies
  • Universities
  • Health systems
  • Private industry partners
  • Grants and foundations

Implementation partners

These partners are doing work on the ground in communities where additional need and support exist. They're our day to day connection with the community, aiming to improve the area we live in. This partnership is ideal for:

  • Community organizations and non-profits
  • Chambers of commerce