Hazard Mitigation Plan

The Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP):

  1. Identifies potential hazards faced by communities where SMUD maintains assets or operations
  2. Assesses the vulnerability of those assets and operations to such hazards
  3. Identifies specific actions that can be taken to reduce the risk from identified hazards

The HMP represents SMUD’s commitment to reduce and eliminate, where possible, the risks and impacts of natural and human-caused hazards. The HMP serves to help protect SMUD’s assets, customers and communities by coordinating our broad-based disaster preparedness and resiliency efforts.

2024-2028 HMP

The draft 2024-2028 HMP is ready for public review and we invite you to provide your input. 

View the draft 2024-2028 Plan

A printed copy of the draft plan is also available at our security kiosk:

SMUD Customer Service Center
6301 S Street
Sacramento, CA 95817

Comments on the draft plan may be emailed directly to ERM@smud.org until Tuesday, Jan. 2, 2024. Comments may also be provided in early 2024 during the HMP presentation at SMUD's committee meeting.

View the 2018 Plan


If you have questions or want to provide comments, email the Enterprise Risk Manager.