For Immediate Release: January 3, 2025

Tamayo elected SMUD Board Vice President

Imafge of board member Dave TamayoSMUD’s Board of Directors elected Director Dave Tamayo as vice president of the Board. His term as vice president will run from January through December 2025. 

Tamayo was elected to the SMUD Board in 2014. He represents Ward 6, which includes the Meadowview, Oak Park, Parkway, Airport and Valley Hi neighborhoods.

Tamayo has lived in the Fruitridge Manor neighborhood of south Sacramento since 1989, where he raised his family and has long been active in community affairs. He has led efforts to establish science programs and gardens in local schools, co-founded his neighborhood association and successfully advocated for public parks, affordable housing and urban infill. 

Tamayo has served on several public boards and commissions, including the South Sacramento Planning Advisory Committee, the Sacramento Parks and Recreation Commission, the Sacramento-Yolo Mosquito and Vector Control District and the California Structural Pest Control Board. He also has served on the boards of the nonprofit Sacramento Mutual Housing Association, California Stormwater Quality Association, Sacramento County Alliance of Neighborhoods and the Sacramento Urban Creeks Council.

Tamayo worked as an environmental scientist for Sacramento County for 30 years. He is recognized as a public policy leader in protecting natural resources by effectively influencing state and federal environmental regulations. He wrote the county storm water pollution ordinance, co-founded the region's River Friendly Landscaping Program and helped create local, statewide and national integrated pest management programs. Tamayo has also served in an advisory capacity to the University of California Integrated Pest Management Program, US EPA Office of Pesticide Programs, California Department of Pesticide Regulation, and the National Pest Management Association. Prior to working for the county, he owned a wholesale seafood business in San Francisco and was an electrician and a whitewater rafting guide.

Tamayo holds a bachelor's degree in zoology from the University of California, Berkeley and a master's degree in entomology and nematology from the University of Florida, Gainesville. In his spare time, he enjoys gardening, beekeeping, cycling and learning to speak Spanish. 

About SMUD

As the nation’s sixth-largest, community-owned, not-for-profit electric service provider, SMUD has been providing low-cost, reliable electricity to Sacramento County for more than 75 years. SMUD is a recognized industry leader and award winner for its innovative energy efficiency programs, renewable power technologies and for its sustainable solutions for a healthier environment. In 2023, SMUD’s power supply was, on average, 78 percent carbon free, and SMUD has a goal to reach zero carbon in its electricity production by 2030. SMUD’s rates and customer bills are consistently among the lowest in California, and are today, on average, more than 50 percent lower than its neighboring investor-owned utility.