Neighborhood SolarShares® price, terms and conditions

How do I sign up or participate?

Your new home or apartment automatically includes Neighborhood SolarShares from SMUD. The builder of your home or apartment chose Neighborhood SolarShares to comply with California’s environmental building regulations.

What is the contract length?

Neighborhood SolarShares is active for 20 years and will flow from owner to owner and resident to resident.

How much will Neighborhood SolarShares cost?

The SolarShares Charge is a flat month-to-month charge.  The SolarShares Credit, however, will change based on the amount of solar electricity generated.  This means that your credits are higher in the summer months when the sun is shining more often than in the non-summer months. 

Will my Neighborhood SolarShares charge change over time?

Your SolarShares charge is the fixed charge to operate and maintain the panels that provide your solar power.

What other fees might I be charged?

None. SMUD will maintain, monitor and repair solar panels as necessary. There will be no additional cost to you.

How will I be billed?

Participating customers will pay for their Neighborhood SolarShares generation shares through a flat monthly fee, referred to as SolarShares Charge, on their SMUD bill. The SolarShares credit, however, will change based on the amount of solar electricity generated. This means that your credits are higher in the summer months when the sun is shining more often than in the non-summer months.  SolarShares pricing is designed to provide participating customers a net benefit over the 20-year term for the participating home.

Can I cancel my participation?

No.  Neighborhood SolarShares is active for 20 years and will flow from owner to owner and resident to resident of your current home or apartment.

Whom should I contact for more information?

For information about Neighborhood SolarShares, please contact SMUD at 1-888-742-SMUD (7683), email or go to