Elverta-McClellan 69kV Feeder Tie Project
To help maintain reliability, SMUD is proposing to upgrade approximately 5.5 miles of an existing above-ground 12-kilovolt (kV) cable with 69 kV and 12 kV cables to support customer growing demand for electricity from growth and development in Rio Linda and the surrounding areas.
The project involves replacing or relocating about 140 power poles and installing an additional 10 poles within a small area.
Anticipated activities and location of work
The project covers approximately 5.5 miles and is located along the western edge of the McClellan Air Business Park and northward within the community of Rio Linda, within the boundaries of the City of Sacramento and Sacramento County.
The scope of the work would take place in three phases.
- Phase 1: The southern end of Phase 1 would be located near the intersection of Winters Street and Rene Avenue. It would run north along Winters, turn west onto Dean Street, north along Patrol Road, then west along Ascot Avenue to 20th Street.
- Phase 2A: Phase 2A would be located along 20th Street, from Ascot to Q Street.
- Phase 2B: Phase 2B would be located along Elkhorn Boulevard from 20th Street to 34th Street.
All of the new poles would be installed within Phase 1 of the project.
If approved by the SMUD Board of Directors, work would start in late-summer of 2024 with expected completion in late-2025.
Beginning in the next few months, you may see crews and trucks installing poles and wires. Thus, construction traffic, noise and other temporary impacts should be anticipated while work is underway in the areas shown in the project map below.
Proposed site
What are the environmental impacts?
SMUD has prepared a Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (Draft IS/MND) for the Elverta/McClellan 69 kV Feeder Tie Project, which analyzes the potential physical environmental impacts associated with implementation.
In accordance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requirements (Section 15072), SMUD has prepared a Notice of Intent (NOI) to provide responsible agencies and other interested parties with written notice of the availability of the Draft IS/MND, and to invite comments and concerns regarding environmental impacts associated with the proposed project.
Document availability: The Draft IS/MND is available in the below link or at smud.org/CEQA. Printed copies may be viewed during normal business hours at these locations:
Customer Service Center
6301 S Street
Sacramento, CA 95817
East Campus Operations Center
4401 Bradshaw Road
Sacramento, CA 95827
Public review/comment period
A 30-day public review period for the Draft IS/MND will begin on May 13, 2024, and extend through June 12, 2024, for interested individuals and public agencies to submit written comments on the document. Written comments on the Draft IS/MND can be emailed to elvertamcclellanproject@smud.org or sent to:
Jerry Park
SMUD Environmental Services
P.O. Box 15830 MS B209
Sacramento, CA 95852-1830
Public meeting
SMUD will hold a public meeting regarding the Draft IS/MND at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, at the McClellan Park Officer’s Club located at 3410 Westover Street, McClellan, CA 95652 to provide information and invite comments on the proposed project.
SMUD Board of Directors adoption: The project will be presented to the SMUD Board for consideration at the SMUD Energy Resources and Customer Service Committee (ERCS) meeting and the SMUD Board of Directors meeting, at which the public and responsible agencies may make comments. Both meetings will be held at the SMUD Headquarters Auditorium, 6201 S Street, Sacramento, CA 95817 if conditions permit. Otherwise, the meetings will be held online. Please note that the Board can only take action during a SMUD Board of Directors meeting, so no action will be taken at the ERCS meeting.
Please go to board meetings for further information on meeting schedules and agenda items, including this project.
- Notice of Intent
- Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
- Appendix A – Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Appendix B – Biological Resources
- Appendix C – Noise Calculations
- Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
If you have any questions regarding the environmental process for this project, please email Jerry.Park@smud.org or call 916-732-7406.