For Immediate Release: September 5, 2022

Please conserve electricity today from 4 to 9 p.m.

An extreme and unprecedented heat wave has led to record demand for electricity and critically tight power supplies across the state. SMUD asks customers to limit their use of electricity from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. This aligns with Governor Newsom’s state of emergency order and the California Independent System Operator’s extended series of Flex alerts.

Residential customers can help by raising thermostat settings on air conditioners to 80 degrees, limiting the use of major appliances and turning off unnecessary lights.

Commercial and industrial customers are asked to reduce the use of lighting not essential for safety purposes in garages, hallways, lobbies, warehouses and displays. The minimized use of office equipment, supply and exhaust fans, circulating pumps, and maintenance and repair equipment will also allow lower the demand for electricity.