For Immediate Release: November 16, 2020

SMUD awards $200,000 in first round of community funding

Ten local nonprofits receive Shine awards to help mitigate COVID-19 impacts in underserved communities

SMUD announced its annual Shine community award recipients totaling $199,894. SMUD’s Shine program supports projects that improve and revitalize neighborhoods in the Sacramento region. Shine awards are funded for projects that address neighborhood revitalization; STEM education; environment and energy efficiency; and, workforce development. Round one of the Shine awards is focused on getting immediate help to communities that have been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. Round two will be announced in January.

“We’re proud to partner with local nonprofits on projects that will immediately address COVID-19 impacts in underserved communities,” said CEO and General Manager Paul Lau. “I’m looking forward to round two so we can help even more people during this unprecedented time. By supporting our community with job training, academic support and community services, we will make a lasting impact in our neighborhoods.”

This year, SMUD received 125 applications from a wide range of applicants. Shine winners are those who successfully demonstrate collaboration and the potential for broad neighborhood impact. The first round of awards was expedited based on immediate COVID-19 responsive program design. Winners are located throughout Sacramento county and include:

Asian Community Center Senior Services

Workforce development and training

Breakthrough Sacramento

Academic support

City Year Sacramento

Academic support

Freedom Through Education

Workforce development and training

Gateway Community Charter Foundation

Workforce development

National Academic Youth Corps/Sojourner’s Truth African Heritage Museum

STEAM education

National Coalition of 100 Black Women of Sacramento

STEM education

Street Soccer USA Union Pacific Park


Washington Neighborhood Center

HVAC and security upgrades

World Relief Sacramento

Workforce development


Each year SMUD contributes approximately $3 million in cash and in-kind services to community- based organizations. SMUD will continue to support healthy, vibrant and economically sustainable neighborhoods for all our customers with a special focus on improving equity in our region through our Sustainable Communities Initiative.

Applications for the 2021 Shine program are expected to open in June. All 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(6) organizations within SMUD’s service territory are eligible to apply. For more information about SMUD’s corporate citizenship programs, visit For more information about the Shine program, visit

About SMUD

As the nation’s sixth-largest community-owned, not-for-profit, electric service provider, SMUD has been providing low-cost, reliable electricity for more than 70 years to Sacramento County and small adjoining portions of Placer and Yolo Counties. SMUD is a recognized industry leader and award winner for its innovative energy efficiency programs, renewable power technologies, and for its sustainable solutions for a healthier environment. SMUD’s power mix is about 50 percent non-carbon emitting. For more information, about SMUD, visit